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Need to get this off my chest


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My mother passed away yesterday due to stage 4 cervical cancer and I just needed to get it off my chest.

I am someone who has a hard time telling other my feelings, and my dad knows that, so he is scared that I might spiral and give in to my depression that I already had. He’s not wrong either, I was thinking of that but decided against it. Honestly, I am not doing to good. My mother was like my anchor and best friend. She is the only thing that kept me alive, and without her, I feel like an empty shell. 

I just wanted to get this off my chest. I know it won’t make me feel better, but at least I talked about it, even if nobody replies.

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First off, I'm super sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how that must feel. Kudos to you for sharing your pain. That can't be an easy thing to do, for sure, 'specially given the nature of the thing.

The trick is, or at least has been for me, to let the pain and the sadness wash over me, to sit with it for a while, acknowledge it, and then to let it go. It won't fade right away, and you may have to return to marinate in it now and then, but if you set aside a little time now and then to be with it, then it will eventually fade and transform into something less jagged and hopefully more sweet.

Best of luck to you, Amber. This can't be easy for you.

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